Oh no! I lost my password!

Almost all websites require you to create a user account and password. The problem is most people can’t memorize multiple passwords, so they resort to using a single password everywhere. This of course can leave you vulnerable to identity theft and other issues. October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but don’t worry, we have a…

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Improve SEO with Content Updates

What Are Content Updates? Content updates are changes to the existing content on your site. Basically, updating content encompasses everything from replacing outdated or low-quality content (images, wording, links) with new, higher-quality content designed to refining the words on your pages all of which support better SEO and drive engagement. What Should You Change or…

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SEO – Drive People To Your Site

The age old question, “How do I get (more) people to my website?” Depending on who you talk to, you will get a multitude of answers. Honestly, they are all likely correct. Since there is no silver bullet solution, we suggest looking for a mix of both new visitors (traffic) and return visitors (return traffic). …

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It’s All About The Inbox

Having a great product or service is important, but it’s essentially hollow if nobody knows about it. One way to spread the word is via email marketing. Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Active Campaign and others are customer relationship management (CRM) tools that allow you to manage your contacts with focused email messaging. They’re all powerful and…

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The Skinny

It’s Spring, you’ve got summer on your mind and you’re likely looking to lose a few of those winter (or pandemic) pounds. You know your body will feel much better dropping even just a little of that extra weight. Your website is no different… Website hosting servers are happier, and run smoother, when they’ve got…

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