SEO – Drive People To Your Site
The age old question, “How do I get (more) people to my website?” Depending on who you talk to, you will get a multitude of answers. Honestly, they are all likely correct. Since there is no silver bullet solution, we suggest looking for a mix of both new visitors (traffic) and return visitors (return traffic).
Remember building traffic to your website is a key part of your SEO (search engine optimization) plan. It can take several iterations to find the right combination of methods. Over the years, we’ve found the following process is a great way to get started.
First, create a list of topics you’d like to cover with your clients/customers (or potential clients/customers). Share your original articles in a digital newsletter and blog. Driving this traffic to your site will improve your search engine optimization (SEO). The search engines look kindly on original unique content. Use tools like Constant Contact or Mailchimp to layout and schedule your email newsletter and WordPress to create your blog. Your blog can simply be the original content you wrote for your email newsletter.
Second, share your original content via social media. Sharing on social media will “point” people to your website and increase your SEO. It’s a great way to repurpose the content from your blog.
Simply, create a digital calendar in Basecamp (or your tool of choice) and plan out your upcoming posts. Then use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule the day and time of your social media posts.
Lastly, gather analytics using a tool like Google Analytics. Over time the data you collect will let you know how your website is (or isn’t) working for you. Begin asking questions like:
- Is anyone sharing my email newsletter or blog?
- Where does my website rank in a search engine search?
- How many people come to my website around the holidays?
- Which article topics are getting the most traffic over time?
Knowing how and why people are coming to your site can help you determine what kind of advertising to invest in. This information will help you then make smarter decisions when creating GoogleAds, FacebookAds, InstagramAds, TwitterAds or even ads in local publications.
Learn more about Driving People to Your Site (SEO) or ask us to help, Ask Criana 🙂